Nick Sinai was most recently U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer, where he led President Obama’s Open Data Initiatives to increase access to data and encourage innovation and economic growth. Sinai also led the Open Government Initiative to foster federal government transparency, and helped start and grow the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, which brings entrepreneurs and technologists into the federal government. Prior to joining the Obama administration, Sinai was a venture capitalist at Lehman Brothers Venture Partners (now Tenaya Capital) and Polaris Partners. At the Shorenstein Center, he spoke widely, led study groups, and researched the media, policy and economic implications of providing greater public access to government data.

The U.S. Digital Service: What We’ve Learned So Far
This session will look at the U.S. Digital Services (USDS) work and how it has attempted to modernize government. Born in the rescue effort of, the USDS has been working to modernize immigration, improve the veteran experience, and create better tools for students. This session will be a frank discussion about lessons learned both from successes