David Nyhan Prize

The David Nyhan Prize 

The essence of journalism is holding power accountable. As a columnist and reporter at The Boston Globe for more than 30 years, David Nyhan challenged the powerful and acted as a voice for those whose voices are seldom heard. The Nyhan Prize honors a political journalist who covers politics and social policy in the public interest, and embodies David’s style of journalism that speaks to – and for – everyone.

Sponsored by the Shorenstein Center, the Nyhan Prize is made possible by the generosity of the Nyhan family and many friends. The winner is awarded a cash prize, and honored at a ceremony at Harvard.

Click here to learn more about David Nyhan and his work.

Criteria: This award is open to U.S.-based political journalists (columnists/commentators and reporters working in any medium) who cover political and social policy in the public interest. Previous prize winners are not eligible. We encourage nominations of journalists working at any size news organization, including freelancers, and look for nominations that reflect the diversity of the American population that these journalists write about and for. 

Nominations for the Nyhan Prize are currently closed. Check back later this spring to nominate a journalist.

Past winners

2023: Antonia Hylton, Mike Hixenbaugh, and Robert Downen: Learn more; video 
2022: Shawn Donnan: Learn more; video
2021: Steve Lopez: Learn more; video
James Goodman: Learn more; video
2018: David von Drehle: Learn more; video
Kevin Cullen: Learn more; video and transcript 
 Nancy Kaffer: Learn more, video and transcript
2015: Gary Younge: Learn moretranscriptvideo
David Rogers: Learn more; transcript; video
2013: Leonard Pitts Jr.: Learn more; transcriptvideo
2012: Cynthia Tucker: Learn more; transcriptvideo
2011: Thomas Frank: Learn more; transcript; video
2010: William Greider: Learn more; transcript; audio; video
2009: Nat Hentoff: Learn more; transcript; video
2008: Bob Herbert: Learn more; transcript; video
2007: Dana Priest: Learn more; transcript; video
2006: Molly Ivins: Learn more; transcript; video
2005: David Willman: Learn more; transcript; videohttps://shorensteincenter.org/2023-nyhan-prize-winners/