Campaigns, Elections & Parties Publications

Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Discussion Papers, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications, Technology,
Campaign 2018: Improving Cyber Literacy in Political Campaigns
May 7, 2018
A new paper by Donna Brazile, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (fall 2017) and former Democratic National Committee interim chair, examines whether political campaigns...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Past Events, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Race & Gender,
Jelani Cobb on Race, Populism, and Politics
April 18, 2018
April 17—Jelani Cobb, A.M. Rosenthal Writer-in-Residence at the Shorenstein Center and staff writer for The New Yorker, discussed the influence of history...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Discussion Papers, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
“Like They’ve Never, Ever Seen in This Country”? Political Interest and Voter Engagement in 2016
March 21, 2018
A new paper by Markus Prior, fall 2016 Joan Shorenstein Fellow and Professor of Politics and Public Affairs at Princeton University, and Lori D. Bougher...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Citizen Action & Interest Groups, Past Events, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Race & Gender,
The Washington Post's Elizabeth Bruenig on Religion, Politics, and the Left
February 20, 2018
February 20, 2018—Elizabeth Bruenig, Washington Post columnist, discussed the role of Christianity in U.S. politics with Richard Parker, Lecturer in Public...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Citizen Action & Interest Groups, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications, Technology,
“Alt-Lite” Bloggers and the Conservative Ecosystem
February 20, 2018
Introduction This research paper examines the important role that “alt-lite” bloggers play in promoting, amplifying, and fortifying Donald Trump’s anti-establishment...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, International Affairs, Past Events, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Technology, War, Defense & Security,
Garrett Graff on Trump, Mueller, Russia, and Cybersecurity
February 14, 2018
February 13, 2018— Garrett Graff, journalist, author, and director of the Aspen Institute’s cybersecurity and technology program, discussed Robert Mueller’s...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Citizen Action & Interest Groups, Discussion Papers, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Political Journalism in a Populist Age
December 11, 2017
A new paper by Claes H. de Vreese, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (fall 2017) and Professor and Chair of Political Communication at the University of Amsterdam,...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Citizen Action & Interest Groups, Domestic Affairs, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Past Events, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Prizes & Lectures,
2017 Theodore H. White Lecture on Press and Politics with Nancy Gibbs: “The Divided States of America”
November 16, 2017
November 15, 2017 — Nancy Gibbs, editorial director of Time Inc. News Group and former editor of Time Magazine, delivered a thought-provoking speech on...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Domestic Affairs, International Affairs, Past Events, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Technology,
Politico’s Nancy Scola: Reporting on and Regulating the Tech Industry
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017 — Nancy Scola, senior technology reporter for Politico, discussed the regulation of tech platforms, their role in the 2016 election, cyber...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, Media Business, News Business & Practice, Past Events, Politics & Government,
Bob Schieffer: Finding the Truth in Today’s Deluge of News
October 12, 2017
October 10, 2017—Bob Schieffer, CBS News contributor, former Face the Nation host, and 2015-2016 Walter Shorenstein Media & Democracy Fellow, discussed...
Audio & Video, Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Past Events, Politics & Government,
E.J. Dionne, Jr. on One Nation After Trump, Media, the Economy, and Progressivism
September 12, 2017
September 12, 2017—E.J. Dionne, Jr., political writer for The Washington Post, and William H. Bloomberg Visiting Professor, discussed his forthcoming book,...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Discussion Papers, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
In Search of Unbiased Reporting in Light of Brexit, Trump and Other Reporting Challenges in the UK and US
June 13, 2017
A new paper by Helen Boaden, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (spring 2017), and former BBC News and BBC Radio director, compares the BBC’s value of impartiality...