
Snowden is a ‘polarizing force,’ says Post’s Barton Gellman

October 15, 2013 – As one of only three people with direct contact to Edward Snowden, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bart Gellman shared with the Shorenstein Center how the Snowden leaks about the NSA have affected the U.S. government, marketplace and democracy. Snowden’s greatest fear, Gellman said, was that either “he would be preempted” in his attempt to […]

Snowden is a ‘polarizing force,’ says Post’s Barton Gellman Read More »

Ta-Nehisi Coates points to a history of systemic racism that has led to today’s dual society

October 8, 2013 – Ta-Nehisi Coates, senior editor, writer and blogger for The Atlantic, shared with the Shorenstein Center his thoughts on the dual society in America – its historical beginning, its impact on policy, and what implications it might have on the country’s future. Coates, who is also the Martin Luther King Visiting Scholar at MIT,

Ta-Nehisi Coates points to a history of systemic racism that has led to today’s dual society Read More »

Bloomberg’s Exec. Editor Focused on Transparency in Financial Reporting

October 1, 2013 – Financial reporting is crucial to a fair and functioning democracy, said Laurie Hays, Senior Executive Editor for Beat Reporting at Bloomberg News. The challenge that financial reporters face, she said, is presenting complex economic issues in a way that large audiences can understand. Yet it is important because “the bottom line is…the bottom

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Negotiating Women’s Roles in Complex International Environments

September 30, 2013 – “Negotiating Women’s Roles in Complex International Environments.” Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution with Fouzia Saeed, Human rights activist and educator in Pakistan and Beena Sarwar, Pakistani journalist and filmmaker. Co-sponsored by the Program on Negotiation, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public

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David Rohde of Reuters describes Sec. Kerry as ‘activist’ who takes risks

September 24, 2013 – A few hours after President Obama’s speech to the UN General Assembly, the Shorenstein Center welcomed David Rohde, investigative journalist for Thomson Reuters, to speak about his observations in traveling with Secretary of State John Kerry and how U.S. policy is changing in the Middle East.

David Rohde of Reuters describes Sec. Kerry as ‘activist’ who takes risks Read More »

Salon’s Joan Walsh suggests a way to eliminate racial and political polarization

September 17, 2013 – Joan Walsh, editor-at-large of and a political analyst for MSNBC, spoke to the Shorenstein Center about racial change and political polarization. “When politics gets almost completely racialized…and race gets thoroughly politicized,” she said, “it’s trouble for a country that was founded on E pluribus unum, and that has believed the core of American exceptionalism, in my mind, is the ability to bring people together.”

Salon’s Joan Walsh suggests a way to eliminate racial and political polarization Read More »

Media and Politics in Washington, D.C.

September 10, 2013 – Chuck Todd, NBC News Chief White House Correspondent and Political Director, discussed the political system in the U.S. and the dysfunction of the two parties, and how Obama’s role has shifted. Listen to the audio on SoundCloud or iTunesU. If the story below doesn’t load properly, click here to view in Storify.

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