Media & Politics Must Reads, July 21, 2017

Our weekly roundup of news found at the intersection of media, politics, policy and technology, from the Shorenstein Center and from around the web. This Week at the Shorenstein Center Shorenstein Center Co-Sponsors “Defending Digital Democracy” Project to Fight Cyber Attacks and Protect Integrity of Elections. The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at […]

Media & Politics Must Reads, July 21, 2017 Read More »

Shorenstein Center Co-Sponsors “Defending Digital Democracy” Project To Fight Cyber Attacks & Protect Integrity of Elections

Cambridge, Mass.—The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School launched a new, bipartisan initiative today called the “Defending Digital Democracy” (DDD) Project. Co-led by the former campaign managers for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney and experts from the national security and technology communities, including Facebook and Google, the project aims to identify and

Shorenstein Center Co-Sponsors “Defending Digital Democracy” Project To Fight Cyber Attacks & Protect Integrity of Elections Read More »

Shorenstein Center Co-Sponsors “Defending Digital Democracy” Project To Fight Cyber Attacks & Protect Integrity of Elections

Cambridge, Mass.—The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School launched a new, bipartisan initiative today called the “Defending Digital Democracy” (DDD) Project. Co-led by the former campaign managers for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney and experts from the national security and technology communities, including Facebook and Google, the project aims to identify and

Shorenstein Center Co-Sponsors “Defending Digital Democracy” Project To Fight Cyber Attacks & Protect Integrity of Elections Read More »

Flint water tower

Environmental Justice? Unjust Coverage of the Flint Water Crisis

A new paper by Derrick Z. Jackson, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (fall 2016), Boston Globe essayist, and a climate and energy writer for the Union of Concerned Scientists, examines the failure of national media outlets to respond to the Flint water crisis in an urgent manner, as well as biases in coverage. In June 2017, five Michigan

Environmental Justice? Unjust Coverage of the Flint Water Crisis Read More »

Hands at keyboard

Black Pigeon Speaks: The Anatomy of the Worldview of an Alt-Right YouTuber

Disclaimer: This paper contains offensive content. “Alt-right” views quoted in this paper are not endorsed by the Shorenstein Center. A new paper by Zack Exley, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (spring 2017), organizer and author dives into a little-known part of the alt-right media landscape, revealing its influence and worldview. Exley writes that political channels on YouTube

Black Pigeon Speaks: The Anatomy of the Worldview of an Alt-Right YouTuber Read More »

Photo from Dulles International Airport (VA) Muslim Ban Protest.

Snake and Stranger: Media Coverage of Muslims and Refugee Policy

Photo: Dulles International Airport travel ban protest, Geoff Livingston. A new paper by Meighan Stone, Entrepreneurship Fellow (spring 2017) and former president of the Malala Fund, argues that the predominantly negative coverage of Muslims and refugees on U.S. TV news contributes to negative public opinion of Muslims, and in turn, policies such as President Trump’s “Muslim ban.” In

Snake and Stranger: Media Coverage of Muslims and Refugee Policy Read More »

Shifa Gardi

How Women Journalists Are Silenced in a Man’s World: The Double-Edged Sword of Reporting from Muslim Countries

Photo: Shifa Gardi, a journalist for an Iraqi Kurdish television station, was killed by a roadside bomb while reporting.  A new paper by Yeganeh Rezaian, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (fall 2016) and Iranian journalist, shines a light on the difficulties women reporters face while working in Muslim countries, as well as the importance of the stories they

How Women Journalists Are Silenced in a Man’s World: The Double-Edged Sword of Reporting from Muslim Countries Read More »