Martin F. Nolan became a reporter for the Boston Globe in 1961. He covered Boston police headquarters, City Hall, the Massachusetts State House and New Hampshire politics. As a member of the Globe‘s Washington bureau in 1965, he was on the investigative team cited in the Globe‘s Pulitzer Prize for meritorious and disinterested public service in 1966. He covered Congress, the White House and national politics. He has covered every presidential campaign since 1968. Nolan was named Washington bureau chief in 1969. In 1981, he became editor of the Globe‘s editorial page. In 1991, he resumed reporting and in 1995 moved to San Francisco to cover California and the West. In 2001, he retired from the Globe and has since written for the California Journal, the New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. Nolan is a graduate of Boston College. He has been a fellow at Duke University, the Institute of Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His research will examine the evolving self-image of the U.S. press.
Orwell Meets Nixon: When and Why “The Press” Became “The Media”
A paper by Martin F. Nolan, fall 2004 fellow, explores President Nixon’s antagonistic relationship with the press. He argues that Nixon sought to disarm his critics by changing “the press,” a Constitutionally protected form of expression, into “the media,” a pejorative – and succeeded. Download the paper (PDF).