Kristin’s research adopts a political psychology framework to investigate two often interrelated areas relevant to politics: identity/intergroup dynamics and misinformation. She researches the urban-rural divide with particular attention to rurality as a social identity in contemporary politics, and how rural identity relates to class, race, populism, immigration, and health and science attitudes. In addition, she has several published papers on misinformation adoption and correction relating to vaccines and public health attitudes and behaviors. Kristin has published work in academic journals such as Political Behavior, Political Research Quarterly, Politics, Groups, and Identities, Social Science & Medicine, the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, and the Journal of Rural Health, among others. Further, she has written journalistic pieces that have appeared in many outlets, including Time and US News and World Report. Kristin is also currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Lazer Lab at Northeastern University. She was previously a Visiting Instructor of Political Science at Carleton College (from 2020 to 2021) and in 2021 received her PhD in Political Science with a minor in Political Psychology from the University of Minnesota.