Jimmy Huettig

As the Project Data Coordinator with the Public Interest Technology Lab, Jimmy has worked with data in a variety of ways. He has served as an analyst and product manager for the development the Tech Lab’s in-house developed apps and platforms by leading efforts related to the storage, management, curation, and analysis of data associated with these initiatives. Additionally, he has periodically been an ad-hoc methodology consultant for graduate and undergraduate student projects that focus on creating new public interest tech products. Currently, his primary focus is managing the Lab’s development of CrimsonZip, which is a social networking app for the Harvard community, as well as contributing to the FBarchive project.

With a Bachelors in Sociology, he previously worked in public policy at the city, state, and federal levels. He also spent multiple years in clinical psychology research, with a focus on peer relationships and social media. Adding a Masters in Data Science (to be awarded Spring 2024), he is uniquely suited to conceptualizing how to maximally leverage data in multiple sectors in order to best develop and improve new technology platforms.