Diane Francis is editor-at-large at the National Post in Canada and a broadcaster with Rogers Media. She was editor and a director of the Financial Post, forerunner of the National Post. She has been a columnist and investigative journalist for the Toronto Star, the Toronto Sun publishing chain, Southam Newspaper chain, and Maclean’s magazine, among others. She writes three columns weekly on a range of subjects and appears regularly on radio and television. She is the author of eight books on politics, business and white-collar crime. Her research at the Shorenstein Center focused on anti-Americanism in the Canadian, British and French media and its effect on public policy in those countries.
Diane Francis: Donald Trump’s Misogyny is Laying Waste to His Party
March 31, 2016 — Diane Francis, editor at large for the National Post in Canada and fall 2005 fellow, chronicles the reasons for Trump’s “abysmal polling results among women.” Read more in The Guardian.