Shorenstein Documentary Film Fellow Karin Chien shares 5 key takeaways from her research on business models

As a Documentary Film in the Public Interest Fellow (Spring ’24), Karin Chien’s research focused on how the most impactful documentary projects get funded, and presented recommendations for new economic models that center sustainability and creative risk. In particular, the research explored a shift from project-based models to producer-led structures, where new forms can emerge. In this in-depth conversation with strategist Gary Chou, Chien shares five key takeaways from her research.

Karin Chien is an award-winning producer and distributor committed to bold voices and innovative forms that build practices of ethical filmmaking. For 20 years, Karin has produced independent films, artwork and digital media that have broken new ground. She has received the Independent Spirit Producers Award, the Humanitas Prize, the Sundance Audience Award, the inaugural Cinereach Producers Award, and served as the 2022 Sundance Film Festival’s Producers Keynote speaker. Karin is the Founder & President of distribution company dGenerate Films; a co-founder of the collective Distribution Advocates; and the director of the Nevada City Artist Residency.