August 28, 2012 – The Shorenstein Center is pleased to announce its 2012 Fall Fellows and Visiting Faculty.
“This fall we have an outstanding group of fellows and visiting faculty representing both broad experience and cutting-edge work and scholarship,” said Alex Jones, the Center’s director.
Shorenstein Fellows spend the semester researching and writing a paper, and interacting with students and members of the Harvard community.
Tara McKelvey is a correspondent for Newsweek and The Daily Beast. She has written for The New York Times Book Review, Marie Claire, and The American Prospect. She is the author of Monstering: Inside America’s Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War. Landscape. As a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center, McKelvey will be writing about the relationship between the media and U.S. covert operations.
Matthew Nisbet is an associate professor of communication and director of the Climate Shift Project at American University. He has written over 50 studies, book chapters and monographs examining the communication dynamics of policymaking and public affairs, focusing on science, the environment and public health. Nisbet’s research project at the Shorenstein Center will focus on “Knowledge Journalism: Storytelling in a Risk Society.”
Joshua Partlow is a foreign correspondent for The Washington Post. Between 2009 and 2012, he was the paper’s Kabul bureau chief. Before going to Afghanistan, he worked as the Post’s correspondent in South America, based in Rio de Janeiro, and as a correspondent in Iraq. While a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center, he will write a paper about the U.S. media strategy in Afghanistan.
Kathleen Reen is a vice-president at Internews, an international non-profit organization that seeks to empower local media worldwide. She leads the development, design and implementation of their media and information programs across Asia, global internet initiatives, and environmental programs. While a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center, she will examine the relationship between international development, the media, and the global Internet.
Susan Crawford will continue as the Visiting Stanton Professor of the First Amendment at the Shorenstein Center. Crawford is also a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School. She served as Special Assistant to the President for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (2009) and co-led the FCC transition team between the Bush and Obama administrations. She will be teaching a Kennedy School course entitled “Solving Problems Using Digital Technology.”
The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy is a Harvard research center dedicated to exploring the intersection of press, politics and public policy in theory and practice. The Center strives to bridge the gap between journalists and scholars and, increasingly, between them and the public. More information about the Center is available at shorensteincenter.org/.