Doc Distro Lit Review

Chart depicting Public Media: Per Capita Spend, with Germany at the top with $142.42, then Norway with $110.73, Finland with $101.29, Denmark with $93.16, the UK with $81.30, France with $75.89, Spain with $58.70, Japan with $53.15, Australia with $35.78, Lithuania with $32.71, New Zealand with $26.86, Canada with $26.51, Botswana with $18.38, Cabo Verde with $15.22, South Korea with $14.93, then the US with $3.16

Public Announcement: How Media Failed America

Evan Shapiro reports on the weakened state of public service media in the US and its implications for democracy. Shapiro provides information on support for US public media including funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a landscape of “news deserts” throughout the country, comparisons to the role of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and more.