Independent film veterans Naomi McDougall Jones and Liz Manashil analyzed and reported on data collected from 104 responses to a Google form request for film revenue information, uncovering trends in profitability in independent films released since 2018. They found that films with budgets less than $50,000 have a higher likelihood of success, while the films in the $200,001 to $900,000 range face challenges with profitability. Streaming platforms since 2011 have made profitability increasingly difficult. Films with extremely famous or relatively unknown actors tend to fare better financially than those with sort-of-famous actors. Self-distribution, with or without third-party services, is the most successful model, while the hybrid release model shows less favorable outcomes. The authors advocate for radical experimentation and collaborative models, exemplified by their initiative, STORYMADE, aimed at creating a sustainable approach to indie filmmaking.
Doc Distro Lit Review

Producer Data: The Numbers Don’t Lie (The Truth about Independent Film Revenue)
- March 16, 2023
- Topics: Box Office, Funding