HKS Misinformation Review Special Issue: Propaganda Analysis Revisted

The HKS Misinformation Review's latest special issue presents peer-reviewed articles that place the current field of misinformation research into historical perspective. Guest edited by A.J. Bauer (University of Alabama) and Anthony Nadler (Ursinus College).

The HKS Misinformation Review’s latest special issue presents peer-reviewed articles that place the current field of misinformation research into historical perspective.

Propaganda Analysis Revisited

From the introductory essay by guest editors A.J. Bauer (University of Alabama) and Anthony Nadler (Ursinus College):

This special issue is designed to place our contemporary post-truth impasse in historical perspective. Drawing comparisons to the Propaganda Analysis research paradigm of the Interwar years, this essay and issue call attention to historical similarities between patterns in mass communication research then and now. The hope is that contemporary misinformation studies scholars can learn from and avoid the pitfalls that have historically faced propaganda researchers. Placing research on propaganda in historical context offers one way of counterbalancing the depoliticizing tendencies that can be found in contemporary misinformation studies. It provides a wider field of vision, and calls attention to the contingency of the very concepts that social scientists use to frame their surveys and interviews, code their content, and ground their analysis.

See all of the articles in this special issue here.