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GAO Local News Study Highlights New Policy Alternatives to Resolve Crisis
Craig I. Forman
The federal Government Accountability Office several months ago convened an expert policy panel on solutions for the local news crisis in the US. This was a widely multidisciplinary group of professors, journalists, technologists, business leaders, academics and leaders in civil society.
I was gratified to join this effort, building our Local News efforts at the Shorenstein Center with my paper, Solutions to America’s Local Journalism Crisis: Consolidated Literature Review (updated source library of literature available here).
Today the GAO publishes its report which concludes that successful strategies to resolve the crisis in local news will feature both accelerated digital innovation — and some highly targeted policy initiatives.
The GAO report was prompted by Congressional inquiries and now goes to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. But the report’s intended audience should be broader and includes any citizen concerned about the crisis in democracy caused by the decline in local news. The crisis was most vividly recently explained by Shorenstein Director Nancy Gibbs in her recent Washington Post OpEd.
Our GAO-convened panel of experts met with GAO officials for several days, largely via videoconference due to the Pandemic. The resulting report is highly nuanced and thoughtful – among the most comprehensive and deeply reported studies of local news in recent years. After our live sessions, GAO experts spent the next few months compiling evidence in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.
Some highlights:
There is much more in this 93-page study, which does a fine job with the history of market disfunction in local news wrought by digital transformation. Anyone interested in the subject should read the full report here.
Shorenstein Center visiting scholar Craig Forman is past CEO at local-news group McClatchy Co. and is a partner at NextNews Ventures in San Francisco.