Doc Distro Lit Review

Photograph of people holding a sign that says "Cine Argentino Unido por la democracia"
[Courtesy of Cine Argentino Unido]

Argentina’s New President Javier Milei Defunds Film-TV Agency INCAA, Ventana Sur

Writer Anna Marie De La Fuente reports that Argentina’s right-wing populist president, Javier Milei, is working to defund the country’s film-TV institute INCAA, which threatens national film festivals like Mar del Plata, federal aid for film releases, state-run cinemas, film schools, and the prominent Buenos Aires-based film and TV market, Ventana Sur. Milei is taking these steps after his January omnibus bill to scrap INCAA—which prompted massive protests—failed to pass. The newly appointed head of INCAA, Carlos Pirovano, conveyed that with this new resolution there would be significant cuts, freezing the industry for four months and jeopardizing Ventana Sur. The Argentine film community, through the coalition Cine Argentino Unido, protests the government’s actions, emphasizing the detrimental impact on the industry and demanding collaboration for solutions.