Walter Shapiro has covered the last seven presidential campaigns as a newspaper columnist and a news magazine writer. He is the author of One-Car Caravan: On the Road with the 2004 Democrats Before American Tunes In. Shapiro just completed a nine-year stint as the twice-weekly political columnist for USA Today. From 1993 to 1996 he wrote a monthly column on the Clinton administration for Esquire magazine. He covered the 1988 and 1992 elections as a senior writer for Time magazine and the 1984 race for Newsweek. He was on the staff of the Washington Post from 1979-83. During the Carter administration, Mr. Shapiro was a White House speechwriter and a special assistant to the Secretary of Labor. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in history. While at the Shorenstein Center, Mr. Shapiro examined the changing role of the newspaper column in the public debate.

Walter Shapiro: Cruz and Kasich Could Learn Lessons from 1968
March 29, 2016 — Walter Shapiro, Roll Call columnist and spring 2005 fellow, argues that Ted Cruz and John Kasich “do not have to forge a binding agreement. They merely should pursue their own self-interest in a way that does not jeopardize their mutual need to stop Trump from reaching a 1,237-delegate majority.” Read more on