Nick Sinai

Government Digital Services Seminar

This session is part of the 10-week seminar series, Data, Technology and Innovation in Government, led by Nick Sinai. Seminars are for students only (graduate and undergraduate) and are not-for-credit. Please register below to reserve your space. 

Guest: Erie Meyer, founding member, U.S. Digital Service

Description: With the new government-wide U.S. Digital Service unit at the White House, the new 18F digital services unit at the General Services Administration, and new digital teams in agencies, the federal government is determined to learn from and deliver simpler and more effective digital services. Open data is critical to the effort to make government more efficient, cost-effective, and transparent. Modern government digital services — oriented around customer needs, not government complexity – should produce a wealth of data about the performance and effectiveness of a government service, while still protecting personal and proprietary business information. How can this data be used to continuously improve service delivery? When should the government focus on a “wholesale” approach to digital services (e.g. encourage third parties to build more compelling user experiences, like TurboTax)? What is the role of crowdsourcing in policy development (e.g. We The People) and in government service delivery?

Time: Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 4:00pm-5:30pm

Location: Harvard Kennedy School, Taubman Building Room 102, Women and Public Policy Program Cason Conference Room

Workshop Materials

Download the presentation slides (PDF)

Suggested Reading: