Women and News: Expanding the News Audience, Increasing Political Participation, and Informing Citizens

November 30, 2007 – “Women and News: Expanding the News Audience, Increasing Political Participation, and Informing Citizens.”
Panelists, speakers and moderators include: Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe; Susan Carroll, Rutgers University; Pippa Norris, Harvard University; Kay Schlozman, Boston College; Sidney Verba, Harvard University; Thomas Patterson, Harvard University; Rick Kaplan, CBS News; Andrew Kohut, Pew Research Center for the People and the Press; Sandy Rowe, the Oregonian; Shelley Ross, CBS News; Linda Wertheimer, NPR; Linda Douglass, National Journal; Arianna Huffington, the Huffington Post; Garance Franke-Ruta, the American Prospect; Caroline Little, Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive; Robin Sproul, ABC News; Marion Just, Wellesley College. Transcript PDF