Doc Distro Lit Review: Strategy

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Filmmaker Magazine's Scott Macaulay reflects on Richard Linklater's statements regarding his worries about the declining significance of cinema in modern culture due to technology and advertising dominance, underscoring the need for perseverance and efforts to improve the industry's future.
Photograph of a person wearing glasses and a necklace
President and CEO of Independent Television Service (ITVS), Carrie Lozano spoke at the 2023 Camden International Film Festival on the potential opportunities to be found from perceived threats to the industry, looking at the creation of ITVS in the late 1980s as an example.
Photograph of a person wearing glasses
At the 2023 Camden International Film Festival, strategic brand consultant and independent film producer Brian Newman spoke about a "booming" documentary industry that is bound to "bust" and declared the need for collaborative strategizing around reaching audiences.
The Writers Guild of America West logo
A detailed report from the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) highlights how three major companies' anticompetitive actions harm consumer prices, writer wages, and media diversity, urging swift antitrust action and policy reforms.
Photograph of a video camera with microphone
Writer Matt Stoller argues that streaming giants and industry consolidation are steering Hollywood toward limited content and unfair working conditions, leading to tense negotiations and solidarity over union strikes.
Photograph of a person in front of a full bookshelf, founded by Andy Hunter, offers a successful alternative to Amazon by supporting independent bookstores through a portion of online sales, providing a community-driven choice against larger competitors.
Illustration of a person's back as they look at various colorful imagery
Six members of Distribution Advocates participated in discussions and presented at the International Documentary Association's 2020 Getting Real conference, offering insights on the challenges filmmakers face in understanding distribution processes and negotiating fair deals, proposing solutions such as free distribution advisors and a basic cheat sheet to empower filmmakers in navigating distribution offers effectively.
Photograph of an open highway
Calling for a reimagining of the documentary film industry, cultural strategist Sonya Childress details inequities and issues found throughout the system, focusing on the areas of authorship, accountability, and ownership.
Black and white photograph of six people looking forward at the camera
New Day Films, a cooperative founded in 1971, empowers more than 100 filmmakers to self-distribute educational films, employing a consensus decision-making model, a "share ladder" system, and adapting to the digital era with New Day Digital.