
The Shorenstein Center publishes reports and papers written by fellows, affiliated researchers, and faculty that examine themes associated with our core research initiatives. Papers by former fellows have added significantly to the body of research on the intersections of media, politics, and public policy.

The Shorenstein Center has had more than 300 Fellows since 1986, and nearly all of the papers they wrote at the Center can be found in our Research Archives.

For information about our current research projects, which are large-scale research endeavors lead by resident scholars and faculty at the Center, visit the Programs section of our website. You can also learn about our fellowships and faculty to learn more about the independent research happening at the Center.

Citizen Action & Interest Groups, International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Press Freedom, Publications,
Window to the West: How Television from the Federal Republic Influenced Events in East Germany
July 1, 1990
A paper by Dieter Buhl, spring 1990 fellow, examines how television from West Germany influenced political developments in East Germany in the 1980s. Buhl’s...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Sound Bite Democracy: Network Evening News Presidential Campaign Coverage, 1968 and 1988
June 1, 1990
A paper by Kiku Adatto, fall 1989 fellow, analyzes how televised news coverage of presidential campaigns has changed, and finds that sound bites have been...
Environment, Health & Science, Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications, War, Defense & Security,
Tritium and the Times: How the Nuclear Weapons-Production Scandal Became a National Story
May 1, 1990
A paper by William Lanouette, spring-fall 1988 fellow, provides a case study on the role of the press in nuclear weapons policy. For more than a decade,...
Government Institutions, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
School for Scandal
March 1, 1990
A speech delivered by author and philosopher Sissela Bok, on March 29, 1990, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, as part of the Shorenstein Center’s...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Reflections on Television’s Role in American Presidential Elections
January 1, 1990
A paper by Lawrence K. Grossman, Visiting Stanton Lecturer, 1987-1988, explores why, despite a high volume of campaign coverage, voter turnout for the...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
The Politics of Character and the Character of Journalism
October 11, 1989
A paper by Judith Lichtenberg, visiting assistant professor, spring 1988, asks why “the character question” has assumed such a central role in presidential...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Press, Polls and the 1988 Campaign: An Insider’s Critique
August 1, 1989
Dayton Duncan, spring 1989 fellow, reflects on his relationship with the media during the 1988 presidential campaign, when Duncan served as press secretary...
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