
The Shorenstein Center publishes reports and papers written by fellows, affiliated researchers, and faculty that examine themes associated with our core research initiatives. Papers by former fellows have added significantly to the body of research on the intersections of media, politics, and public policy.

The Shorenstein Center has had more than 300 Fellows since 1986, and nearly all of the papers they wrote at the Center can be found in our Research Archives.

For information about our current research projects, which are large-scale research endeavors lead by resident scholars and faculty at the Center, visit the Programs section of our website. You can also learn about our fellowships and faculty to learn more about the independent research happening at the Center.

Journalistic Practice, Media Business, News Business & Practice, Policy & Issues, Publications, Race & Gender,
Implementation of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the American Press: Objectives, Obstacles, and Incentives
January 1, 1996
Racial and ethnic diversity in the American press is a long standing concern. This Shorenstein Center report concludes that while much research has been...
International Affairs, Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications,
The Foreign News Flow in the Information Age
January 1, 1996
A paper by Claude Moisy, spring 1995 fellow, asks whether the Internet is likely to improve the flow of international news, make the public more aware...
Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications, War, Defense & Security,
The Next War: Live?
January 1, 1996
A paper by Barrie Dunsmore, fall 1995 fellow, explores the questions that arise from the possibility of live television coverage from the battlefield....
Domestic Affairs, Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications, Race & Gender,
Framing Identity: The Press in Crown Heights
January 1, 1996
A paper by Carol B. Conaway, fall 1994 fellow, examines the media coverage of the 1991 Crown Heights riot, which was sparked when two Caribbean-American...
International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Difficult Birth of a Free Press
August 1, 1995
A paper by Bernard Margueritte, fall 1993 fellow, surveys the state of the press in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain. With weak training...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Busted By the Ad Police: Journalists’ Coverage of Political Campaign Ads in the 1992 Presidential Campaign
July 1, 1995
A paper by Michael Milburn, spring 1993 fellow, and Justin Brown, analyzes the impact of media outlets’ “Adwatch” features in the 1992 election. Partly...
International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
The Nigerian Press Under the Military: Persecution, Resilience and Political Crisis (1983–1993)
May 1, 1995
A paper by Adeyinka Adeyemi, fall 1993  fellow, analyzes Nigeria’s media landscape and finds that despite outward signs of a modern and vibrant press/government...
Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
Paint-By-Numbers Journalism: How Reader Surveys and Focus Groups Subvert a Democratic Press
April 1, 1995
A paper by Alison Carper, spring 1994 fellow, responds to the increasing use of reader surveys and focus groups in journalism. She argues that this approach...
Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications, Race & Gender,
Hispanic Voices: Is the Press Listening?
January 1, 1995
A paper by Jorge Quiroga, fall 1993 fellow, examines press coverage of the Hispanic community in the United States. Quiroga argues that the press serves...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
The Media, the Public and the Development of Candidates’ Images in the 1992 Presidential Election
October 1, 1994
A paper by Dean Alger, spring 1993 fellow, examines the evolution of Bush and Clinton’s public personas during the 1992 presidential campaign. Alger traces...
International Affairs, Media Business, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications,
The Future of Global Television News
September 1, 1994
A paper by Richard Parker, spring 1993 fellow, explores the potential opportunities and challenges for a new era of “global television.” After seeing TV...
Environment, Health & Science, International Affairs, Papers, Policy & Issues, Publications,
From Bhopal to Superfund: The News Media and the Environment
September 1, 1994
A paper by Sanjoy Hazarika, fall 1993 fellow, analyzes the press coverage of India’s Bhopal disaster in 1984. Hazarika was one of the first reporters to...
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