News Business & Practice Publications

International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications, War, Defense & Security,
Ijambo: Speaking Truth amidst Genocide
January 1, 1998
Alexis Sinduhije, fall 1997 fellow, writes about the harrowing experience of practicing journalism in central Africa during the Rwandan Genocide. From...
International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
The Enemy Within: The Effect of “Private Censorship” on Press Freedom and How to Confront It: An Israeli Perspective
January 1, 1998
A paper by Moshe Negbi, fall 1997 fellow, explores the rise of “commercially-motivated censorship” in Israel’s media. Negbi argues that powerful private...
Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
The Rise of the New News: A Case Study of Two Root Causes of the Modern Scandal Coverage
January 1, 1998
A paper by Marvin Kalb, former Shorenstein Center director and veteran reporter, analyzes the press coverage in the first few weeks of the Monica Lewinsky...
International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
Pressing Concerns: Hong Kong’s Media in an Era of Transition
January 1, 1998
A paper by Stephen J. Hutcheon, fall 1997 fellow, traces the history of press freedom in Hong Kong under British rule up to the aftermath of China’s takeover...
Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
The Business of Getting “The Get”: Nailing an Exclusive Interview in Prime Time
January 1, 1998
A paper by Connie Chung, spring 1997 fellow, provides an insider’s account of a driving force in modern television news: the celebrity interview. Securing...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
Junk News: Can Public Broadcasters Buck the Tabloid Tendencies of Market-Driven Journalism? A Canadian Experience
January 1, 1997
A paper by William John Fox, spring 1995 fellow, argues that Canada’s public broadcasting network has declined in quality after succumbing to commercial...
Journalistic Practice, Media Business, News Business & Practice, Policy & Issues, Publications, Race & Gender,
Implementation of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the American Press: Objectives, Obstacles, and Incentives
January 1, 1996
Racial and ethnic diversity in the American press is a long standing concern. This Shorenstein Center report concludes that while much research has been...
International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Difficult Birth of a Free Press
August 1, 1995
A paper by Bernard Margueritte, fall 1993 fellow, surveys the state of the press in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain. With weak training...
International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
The Nigerian Press Under the Military: Persecution, Resilience and Political Crisis (1983–1993)
May 1, 1995
A paper by Adeyinka Adeyemi, fall 1993  fellow, analyzes Nigeria’s media landscape and finds that despite outward signs of a modern and vibrant press/government...
Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
Paint-By-Numbers Journalism: How Reader Surveys and Focus Groups Subvert a Democratic Press
April 1, 1995
A paper by Alison Carper, spring 1994 fellow, responds to the increasing use of reader surveys and focus groups in journalism. She argues that this approach...