News Business & Practice Publications

International Affairs, News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications,
Mainstream Newspaper Coverage: A Barometer of Government Tolerance for Anti-Regime Expression in Authoritarian Brazil
October 1, 2007
A paper by Elizabeth A. Stein, spring 2007 fellow, evaluates the theory that in authoritarian regimes, leaders of civil society follow the mainstream press...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
The Growing Importance of Nonprofit Journalism
April 1, 2007
A paper by Charles Lewis, spring 2006 fellow, argues that despite the growing audience for non-profit news outlets such as NPR, there are few such organizations...
News Business & Practice, Papers, Policy & Issues, Press Freedom, Publications, War, Defense & Security,
Secrets about Secrets: The Backstage Conversations between Press and Government
March 1, 2007
A paper by Allan M. Siegal, fall 2006 fellow, argues that while mainstream journalists almost uniformly advocate self-restraint on sensitive intelligence...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Past Events,
Panel: "New Media and News: Peering Over the Horizon."
October 13, 2006
October 13, 2006 – Panel: “New Media and News: Peering Over the Horizon.” Moderator: Alex S. Jones, director, Shorenstein Center. Panelists:...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Past Events,
Panel: "Traditional News Media: Optimism, Pessimism and Realism."
October 13, 2006
October 13, 2006 – Panel: “Traditional News Media: Optimism, Pessimism and Realism.” Moderator: Marvin Kalb, Senior Fellow, Shorenstein Center....
Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Past Events, Politics & Government,
Panel: "Media and Democracy."
October 13, 2006
October 13, 2006 – Panel: “Media and Democracy.” Moderator: Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and the Press. Main presenter:...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Past Events,
Panel: "Newspapers and Industry Transformation."
October 13, 2006
October 13, 2006 – Panel: “Newspapers and Industry Transformation.” Introduction by Frederick Schauer, Frank Stanton Professor of the First...
Journalistic Practice, Media Business, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
What Will Become of Newspapers?
April 26, 2006
A speech delivered by John S. Carroll, Knight Visiting Lecturer 2005-2006 (deceased), at the 2006 meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
Hamlet’s Blackberry: Why Paper Is Eternal
January 1, 2006
A paper by William Powers, fall 2006 fellow, makes the case that although print publications and paper are falling out of favor with the rise of digital...
Media Business, News Business & Practice, Papers, Publications,
Journalism, Value Creation and the Future of News Organizations
January 1, 2006
A paper by Robert G. Picard, spring 2006 fellow, considers why news organizations have difficulty creating value. Picard argues that journalism and the...