Campaigns, Elections & Parties Publications

Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
The Wisdom of the War Room: U.S. Campaigning and Americanization
January 1, 1997
A paper by Margaret Scammell, spring 1996 fellow, explores the export of the American political campaign. Democratic campaigns around the globe have seen...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Busted By the Ad Police: Journalists’ Coverage of Political Campaign Ads in the 1992 Presidential Campaign
July 1, 1995
A paper by Michael Milburn, spring 1993 fellow, and Justin Brown, analyzes the impact of media outlets’ “Adwatch” features in the 1992 election. Partly...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
The Media, the Public and the Development of Candidates’ Images in the 1992 Presidential Election
October 1, 1994
A paper by Dean Alger, spring 1993 fellow, examines the evolution of Bush and Clinton’s public personas during the 1992 presidential campaign. Alger traces...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
How Voters Construct Images of Political Candidates: The Role of Political Advertising and Televised News
April 1, 1994
A paper by Montague Kern, spring 1992 fellow, and Marion Just, professor at Wellesley College, investigates the role of news and advertising in influencing...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Policy & Issues, Politics & Government, Publications, Race & Gender,
Shadowboxing with Stereotypes: The Press, The Public, and the Candidates’ Wives
July 1, 1993
A paper by Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, fall 1992 fellow, analyzes media coverage of the presidential and vice presidential candidates’ wives during the 1992...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Politics & Government, Publications,
Campaign Lessons for ’92
November 1, 1991
This Shorenstein Center report examines media coverage of the 1988 presidential election and proposes recommendations for campaign coverage moving forward....
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Politics & Government, Publications,
Nine Sundays: A Proposal for Better Presidential Campaign Coverage
January 1, 1991
This Shorenstein Center report by John Ellis provides recommendations for improving election coverage during the nine Sundays between Labor Day and Election...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Sound Bite Democracy: Network Evening News Presidential Campaign Coverage, 1968 and 1988
June 1, 1990
A paper by Kiku Adatto, fall 1989 fellow, analyzes how televised news coverage of presidential campaigns has changed, and finds that sound bites have been...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Reflections on Television’s Role in American Presidential Elections
January 1, 1990
A paper by Lawrence K. Grossman, Visiting Stanton Lecturer, 1987-1988, explores why, despite a high volume of campaign coverage, voter turnout for the...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Journalistic Practice, News Business & Practice, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
The Politics of Character and the Character of Journalism
October 11, 1989
A paper by Judith Lichtenberg, visiting assistant professor, spring 1988, asks why “the character question” has assumed such a central role in presidential...
Campaigns, Elections & Parties, Papers, Politics & Government, Publications,
Press, Polls and the 1988 Campaign: An Insider’s Critique
August 1, 1989
Dayton Duncan, spring 1989 fellow, reflects on his relationship with the media during the 1988 presidential campaign, when Duncan served as press secretary...