
First Look: HAMBYCAST!
August 24, 2014
CNN's resident Boy on the Bus, Peter Hamby, former Joan Shorenstein Fellow, is taking viewers into the...
Book Review: "Foreign Correspondent" by H.D.S. Greenway
August 22, 2014
John Maxwell Hamilton reviews the new book <em>Foreign Correspondent</em> by former Shorenstein Fellow H.D.S. G...
Obama’s Kennedy
August 19, 2014
Former Fellow Martin F. Nolan in the <em>Boston Globe</em>: "Five years ago, the president lost his only real fri...
Former Sun Editor Alex Jones Inducted Into Tennessee Journalism Hall Of Fame
August 18, 2014
MURFREESBORO &#8212; Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Alex S. Jones, a native of Greeneville and a former...
Last Call: The end of the printed newspaper
August 18, 2014
Former Visiting Murrow Lecturer Clay Shirky writes in Medium about the decline of newspapers: "If you...
Susan Crawford: How a small town in Maine is saving the Internet
August 18, 2014
Former Visiting Stanton Professor Susan Crawford in Bloomberg View: &#8220;Rockport, Maine, population...
Michael Ignatieff: The Post-Ukraine World Order
July 25, 2014
Michael Ignatieff, Edward R. Murrow Professor of Press, Politics and Public Policy, delivered the 50th...
Deborah Amos: The Shape Of Extremist Ambitions In Iraq And Beyond
July 25, 2014
Former Fellow Deborah Amos, author of Eclipse of the Sunnis, talks to NPR&#8217;s Melissa Block about...
Jeffrey Seglin receives Manuel C. Carballo Award for Excellence in Teaching
July 25, 2014
Jeffrey Seglin, Lecturer in Public Policy and Director of the HKS Communications Program, was awarded...
Rebecca MacKinnon receives grant for "Ranking Digital Rights"
June 25, 2014
Former Fellow Rebecca MacKinnon has received a Knight News Challenge grant for her project &#8220;Ranking...
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