
F.T.’s Chrystia Freeland sees fewer news organizations a ‘good thing’

November 10, 2009 — U.S. managing editor of Financial Times, Chrystia Freeland, spoke at the Shorenstein Center brown-bag lunch on “Business and International Coverage for a Paying U.S. Audience.” Freeland began with a quote from Warren Buffett: “If cable and satellite broadcasting as well as the Internet had come along first, newspapers as we know […]

F.T.’s Chrystia Freeland sees fewer news organizations a ‘good thing’ Read More »

Percentage of foreign news today is up, says John M. Hamilton

November 9, 2009 — In his Shorenstein Center brown-bag talk, “Journalism’s Roving Eye: American Newsgathering Abroad,” John M. Hamilton, Dean of the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University, traced the historical and current state of foreign journalism. Hamilton said that “historically, foreign news has always, always been in short supply,” with the exception of

Percentage of foreign news today is up, says John M. Hamilton Read More »

Problem of punditry is ‘uninformed citizenry,’ says Kathleen Parker

November 3, 2009 — Kathleen Parker spoke at the Shorenstein Center brown-bag lunch about “The Problem with Punditry,” drawing on her experience as a syndicated columnist for The Washington Post Writers Group. Shorenstein Center director Alex S. Jones introduced Parker as one who “thinks for herself, writes like a dream,” but Parker called herself a

Problem of punditry is ‘uninformed citizenry,’ says Kathleen Parker Read More »

Journalists, academics discuss ‘The Future of News’

November 2, 2009 — At the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, the Shorenstein Center, along with the Institute of Politics, presented “The Future of News,” a panel discussion with Robin Sproul, Washington Bureau Chief for ABC News; Alex S. Jones, director of the Shorenstein Center and author of the new book Losing the News; Jeff Howe,

Journalists, academics discuss ‘The Future of News’ Read More »

Transparency needed in innovation policy, says Crawford

November 2, 2009 — At the Shorenstein Center brown-bag lunch, Susan Crawford, Special Assistant to the President for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, spoke about “Analog Policy to Digital Policy: Hope and Change.” Crawford noted how Obama’s November 2007 policy agenda on technology and innovation recognized the “essential nature of high-speed communications infrastructure to economic

Transparency needed in innovation policy, says Crawford Read More »

Executive session discusses new business models for news

October 29, 2009 — The Shorenstein Center presented an executive session on “How to Make Money in News: New Business Models for the 21st Century,” funded by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. Read the Transcript (unedited) The first panel, “Reflections by Carnegie Researchers on New Business Models for News,” featured Robert Giles

Executive session discusses new business models for news Read More »

Media ‘freak show’ polarizing politics, says Politico’s John Harris

October 27, 2009 — Politico editor-in-chief, John Harris, spoke at the Shorenstein Center’s brown-bag lunch about “Barack Obama vs. the Freak Show: Politics and Media on the Wild Frontier.” Harris, a veteran of The Washington Post who founded Politico in 2007 together with Jim VandeHei, traced the shift from what he called the “old order”

Media ‘freak show’ polarizing politics, says Politico’s John Harris Read More »

Jonathan Zittrain delivers 2009 Richard S. Salant Lecture

October 22, 2009 — Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, began the second annual Richard S. Salant Lecture on Freedom of the Press with a tour of the absurd: A job applicant being mistaken for a computer expert and interviewed live on

Jonathan Zittrain delivers 2009 Richard S. Salant Lecture Read More »

Lack of funding for news a ‘serious social problem,’ says Jim Hoge

October 20, 2009 — In a Shorenstein Center discussion, Jim Hoge, editor of Foreign Affairs, referred to his own experiences at the Chicago Sun-Times and the New York Daily News to talk about the future of the newspaper business. Hoge outlined two categories of essential news: accountability journalism, in which the “conduct of public affairs”

Lack of funding for news a ‘serious social problem,’ says Jim Hoge Read More »