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Media & Politics Must Reads, September 2, 2016

Our weekly roundup of news found at the intersection of media, politics, policy and technology, from the Shorenstein Center and from around the web.

This Week at the Shorenstein Center

Mobile vs. Computer: Implications for News Audiences and Outlets. A new paper by Johanna Dunaway, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (spring 2016) and associate professor of communication at Texas A&M University, examines how mobile technology – despite expanding internet access – is also contributing to a digital divide in news consumption.

Polarization in America: The Role of Media Fragmentation, from Journalist’s Resource.

News from Our Faculty & Fellows

At 70, She Decided to Fight for Women’s Rights. Gina Glantz, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the Shorenstein Center in 2011, has launched a new organization, Gender Avenger, which works to increase women’s participation in the public arena.

Atlanta Press Club to Induct Four into Its Hall of Fame. Judy Woodruff, fall 2005 fellow and PBS NewsHour anchor, is among this year’s inductees.

From around the Web

The Donald, Documented: The Washington Post Open-Sources Much of Its Trump Reporting, from Nieman Lab.

Every Friday until the Elections, The Washington Post Will Flood Social Media with Fact Checks, from Poynter.

Trump’s Media Ambitions May Look More Like TheBlaze Than Fox News, from Bloomberg Politics.

What Could a Future Trump TV Venture Look Like? Tune in Here. From The Washington Post.

Donald Trump Broke the Conservative Media, from Business Insider.

The Drive to Become “Fox News Famous” Hurts the Right from National Review. 

How the “Alt-Right” Checkmated the Media, from Columbia Journalism Review.

Has Hillary Clinton Actually Been Dodging the Press? From NPR.

Campaign Abuse Demands a Journalism Bill of Rights, from

The Looming Shakeout in Digital Media, from USA Today.

The New York Times Is Launching Digital-First Teams to Cover Gender, Education and Climate Change, from Poynter.

Zuckerberg Says Facebook Will Never Be a Media Company—Despite Controlling the World’s Media, from Quartz.

Algorithms Are Now Controlling Facebook’s Trending Topics. What Does That Mean for News? From Nieman Lab.

Stop the Press: Turkey’s Crackdown on Its Media Goes into Overdrive, from The Guardian.

Breitbart: “Radical,” “Dangerous” and Heading This Way, from Politico Europe.

A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories, from The New York Times.

How the EpiPen Drug Price Story Went Viral — and What May Be Next, from STAT.

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