2002 Archive


  • 12/16: “Dilemmas of Reporting on the Sniper, Lisa Kudrow and the War in Iraq.” Brown-bag lunch with David Bloom, senior correspondent, co-anchor, Today Weekend Edition, and former White House correspondent, NBC News.
  • 12/11: “Reconstruction of Afghanistan: Catching Hold or Sliding Back?” Brown-bag lunch with Jonathan Moore, senior advisor to the United Nations Development Program.
  • 12/10: A conversation with Glenn Close, actor and social activist.
  • 12/9: “A Failure of Intelligence: Press, Politics and the Dawn of the Age of Sacred Terror.” Brown-bag lunch with Daniel Benjamin, senior fellow, International Security, Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • 12/3: “Public and Private: Twenty Years Photographing the Presidency.” Brown-bag lunch with Diana Walker, former White House photographer, Time magazine.
  • 12/2: “Government Secrecy,” “U.S. media coverage of Europe,” “Public Policy in Iran,” “Inventing Democratic Structures” and “A New Model For Foreign Correspondents.” Shorenstein Fellows Research Symposium with Roza Eftekhari, Zanan magazine (Iran); Richard Lambert, columnist, commentator and former editor-in-chief, Financial Times; Jack Hamilton, dean, Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University; Jack Nelson, former chief Washington correspondent and Washington bureau chief, Los Angeles Times; and Jonathan Schell, peace and disarmament correspondent, The Nation.
  • 12/2: “A Conversation with Chris and Kathleen Matthews.” Brown-bag lunch with Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hard Ball, and Kathleen Matthews, anchor of WJLA News (Washington, D.C.).


  • 11/26: “As the Internet Is Being Hijacked by Media Conglomerates, Why Is the News Media Asleep?” Brown-bag lunch with Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy.
  • 11/22: “Gambling with U.S.–German Relations? What Do the Recent German Elections Tell Us?” Brown-bag lunch with Wolfgang Donsbach, professor and director of the Department of Communication at Dresden University of Technology.
  • 11/21: “When Media, Science and Public Policy Collide: The Case of Food and Biotechnology.” Conference co-sponsored by the Shorenstein Center and the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology.
  • 11/12: “Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet.” Brown-bag lunch with Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education.


  • 10/30: Theodore H. White Seminar with David McCullough, historian and author; David Sanger, White House correspondent, The New York Times; Walter Isaacson, chairman and CEO, CNN News Group; Alexander Keyssar, Kennedy School of Government; and Ann Compton, ABC News. Moderated by Alex S. Jones, director, Joan Shorenstein Center.
  • 10/29: “A Sense of History in Times of Crisis.” Theodore H. White Lecture with David McCullough, historian and Pulitzer Prize–winning author of John Adams and Truman.
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  • 10/29: “Making News Versus Making Policy: A Tug of War Between Those Who Spin the News and Those Who Report It.” Brown-bag lunch with Jodie T. Allen, assistant managing editor, money and business, U.S. News & World Report.
  • 10/22: “What’s the Future of Online Journalism?” Brown-bag lunch with Christopher Schroeder, CEO and publisher, Washingtonpost.com.Newsweek Interactive.
  • 10/17: “If I Were a Niche Man: Trends in Television News and Why You Should Care.” Brown-bag lunch with Andrew Heyward, president, CBS News.
  • 10/11: “Strained European–U.S. Relations: Why and What Can We Do About It?” Brown-bag lunch with Sylvia Poggioli, senior European correspondent for NPR’s foreign desk.
  • 10/9: “Climate Change and the Press.” Brown-bag lunch with Steve Curwood, executive producer and host of “Living on Earth,” National Public Radio.
  • 10/1: “Covering the War on Terror: What Do We Really Need to Know and Are We Getting It?” Brown-bag lunch with Stephen Inskeep, national security correspondent, National Public Radio. Co-sponsored with the Executive Session on Domestic Preparedness.


  • 9/30: “The Real Biases of TV News.” Brown-bag lunch with Eric Burns, host, Fox News Watch.
  • 9/24: Shorenstein Center announces Fellows and Visiting Faculty for fall 2002. Roza Eftekhari, senior editor, Zanan magazine (Iran); Jack Hamilton, dean, Manship School of Journalism, Louisiana State University; James T. Hamilton, visiting associate professor in the Kalb Chair on Global Communications and Duke University; Richard Lambert, former editor-in-chief, Financial Times; Jack Nelson, former Washington bureau chief, Los Angeles Times; Jonathan Schell, peace and disarmament correspondent, The Nation.
  • 9/24: “Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich.” Brown-bag lunch with Kevin Phillips, political analyst, economics commentator and author.
  • 9/23: Release of new book The Vanishing Voter: Civic Involvement in an Age of Uncertainty by Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and the Press.
  • 9/17: “Uncovering the Catholic Church Scandal: Reporting on a Nearly Impenetrable Institution?” Brown-bag lunch with Walter Robinson, Investigative Spotlight editor, Boston Globe.


  • 4/30: “TV/Media Coverage of the Military Post–September 11th.” Brown-bag lunch with Robin Sproul, vice president and Washington bureau chief, ABC News.
  • 4/29: “The Benign Axis of the Press, Politics and Public Policy.” Shorenstein Fellows Research Seminar moderated by Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and the Press. Panelists: Eytan Gilboa, Global Communication and Foreign Policymaking; Paul Kelly, The Race Issue in Australia’s 2001 Election: A Creation of Politicians or the Press?; Ingrid Volkmer, Global Media Generations: Cross Generational Analysis of News Memories; Matthew Storin, While America Slept: In-depth Reporting on Anti-American Terrorism, 1993–September 11, 2001.
  • 4/23: Brown-bag lunch with Evan Thomas, assistant managing editor, Newsweek.
  • 4/18: “Media Unlimited: The Torrent of Sounds and Images in Modern Life.” Brown-bag lunch with Todd Gitlin, professor of culture, journalism and sociology at New York University.
  • 4/16: “The FCC in the 21st Century.” Brown-bag lunch with Michael Powell, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.
  • 4/9: “A War of Ideas: Media as Shock Troops.” Harvard University Colloquium on Globalization Post 9/11. Panel discussion with Sarah Chayes, National Public Radio; Nik Gowing, BBC World Television; and Rami Khouri, Nieman Fellow, syndicated columnist and freelance TV and radio host, Amman, Jordan. Moderated by Alex S. Jones, director, Joan Shorenstein Center.
  • 4/9: “Covering the Bush White House in Peace and War.” Brown-bag lunch with David Sanger, White House correspondent, The New York Times.
  • 4/2: “The Middle East: A Reporter’s Journey.” Brown-bag lunch with Charles Sennott, London bureau chief and former Middle East bureau chief, The Boston Globe.


  • 3/14: “The War on Terrorism: A Perspective from India.” Brown-bag lunch with N. Ravi, editor, The Hindu.
  • 3/12: Goldsmith Career Award for Excellence in Journalism given to Christiane Amanpour, chief international correspondent, CNN. Goldsmith Investigative Reporting Prize awarded to Duff Wilson and David Heath, The Seattle Times.
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  • 3/12: “Enron: Where Were the Media?” Brown-bag lunch with Jeff Madrick, columnist, The New York Times; editor, Challenge magazine.
  • 3/7: “Public Broadcasting: Why Should We Care?” Brown-bag lunch with Robert Rabinovitch, president and chief executive officer, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


  • 2/26: “The News About the News: American Journalism in Peril.” Brown-bag lunch with Leonard Downie Jr., executive editor of the Washington Post; Robert G. Kaiser, associate editor of the Washington Post.
  • 2/21: “Night in the Taliban Kitchen.” Brown-bag lunch with Sarah Chayes, foreign correspondent on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” “All Things Considered,” “Weekend Edition” and NPR newscasts.
  • 2/19: “Ombudsmanship in Public Radio: Before and After 9/11.” Brown-bag lunch with Jeffrey Dvorkin, ombudsman at NPR.
  • 2/13: “An Inside View of the Op-Ed Page.” Brown-bag lunch with Terry Tang, op-ed editor of The New York Times.
  • 2/6: “Special Pre-Presidential Election Symposium on Zimbabwe.” Brown-bag lunch with Mark Chavunduka, editor, Sunday Standard and former Nieman Fellow; Professor Eliphas Mukonoweshuro, University of Zimbabwe. Co-sponsored with the World Peace Foundation.
  • 2/5: “Election Night 2000: What Happened and Why?” Brown-bag lunch with John Ellis, columnist and contributing editor, Fast Company magazine.


  • 1/30: “A Writer’s Perspective on a Recent Visit to Pakistan and Kashmir.” Brown-bag lunch with Christopher Hitchens, columnist, Vanity Fair and The Nation.